III Quarter 2024

Systemics-PAB acquires ISO 27001 certificate

Systemics-PAB acquires internationally recognized ISO 27001:2022 certification. This internationally recognized standard ensures that the company’s information security management system complies with best practices and principles…

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Systemics-PAB named VIAVI Solutions Partner

Viavi Solutions, a global leader in communications test and measurement and optical technologies, and Systemics-PAB, a worldwide leader in the comprehensive testing of the quality of services, security, and efficiency of telecommunications networks…

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II Quarter 2024

Lab project PL-5G introduced to Polish researchers

New 5G test laboratory will allow researchers and industry to deploy vital applications accessible via the internet. The consortium of technical universities and research units have created a test environment in the most leading-edge radio technology available.

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RTMC’s visit to Systemics and Apave Group

As planned, during Systemics’ visit to Uzbekistan in April 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting in Poland a delegation from Uzbekistan headed by the President of TMB (in English RTMC: Republican Telecommunications Management Center), Mr. Ulugbek Shakirov…

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Systemics-PAB visited a new potential partner in Uzbekistan

As a follow-up to the meetings held at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Mikołaj Skipietrow, Systemics’ Management Board Advisor, visited Uzbekistan in April 2024. He was welcomed by the management of TMB (in English RTMC: Republican Telecommunications Management Center) and the Rector of Tashkent…

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I Quarter 2024

Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G

Systemics-PAB dostarczył elementy infrastruktury 4G/5G dla zakresu N77 (sieci prywatne) w ramach projektu realizowanego przez konsorcjum uczelni technicznych oraz instytucji naukowo-badawczych.

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Mobile World Congress – Systemics-PAB booth, 7G60

Mobile World Congress – invitation to Systemics-PAB booth, 7G60
We help telecommunications operators, infrastructure and private network providers, and regulators understand and solve issues affecting quality in mobile and fixed networks. We also cover network security and the deployment of private 5G mobile networks.

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IV Quarter 2023

III Quarter 2023

Inżynier ds. analiz sieci mobilnych 4G/5G

Systemics-PAB Sp. z o.o. działa na rynku od 1990 roku. Specjalnością firmy są pomiary jakości sieci teleinformatycznych. Wykonujemy usługi w całej Europie oraz na Bliskim Wschodzie dla czołowych operatorów m.in. Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone.

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II Quarter 2023

Systemics-PAB awarded the Gold Medal
in Sustainability assessment 2023.

Systemics-PAB has obtained a total score of 72/100, placing it among the top 5 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the telecommunications industry.
This fantastic result shows the company’s commitment to sustainable growth and acknowledges our employees’ efforts and passion on the way to supporting a better…

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I Quarter 2023
IV Quarter 2022
III Quarter 2022

Systemics-PAB donated the Warsaw University of Technology with a system to monitor the network quality.

Laboratorium Politechniki Warszawskiej
wyposażone w kolejny sprzęt od Systemics-PAB

Systemics-PAB przekazał system pomiarowy do Badania Jakości Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych (m.in. skaner, telefony i komputer z oprogramowaniem), który zastąpi wyposażenie przekazane kilka lat temu do laboratoriów Instytutu Radioelektroniki i Technik Multimedialnych Politechniki Warszawskiej…

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II Quarter 2022
I Quarter 2022

Dostępność usług sieci komórkowych na Obwodnicy Warszawy

Raport z niezależnych pomiarów Systemics-PAB
Otwarcie tunelu POW odbiło się szerokim echem w prasie. Ten brakujący element trasy tranzytowej w Warszawie od dawna był oczekiwany przez kierowców stojących w korkach po opuszczeniu trasy S2 na węźle Puławska…

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Systemics-PAB awarded the Golden Medal
in Sustainability assessment.

Systemics-PAB was audited by the independent organization in Corporate Social Responsibility area and received an EcoVadis Sustainability recognition Gold Medal and certificate! Systemics-PAB has obtained a score higher than 66/100 which places it among the top 5 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis…

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News & Events

IV Quarter 2021
III Quarter 2021
II Quarter 2021

How to evaluate the quality of mobile networks

Assessing the quality of services offered in mobile networks and their performance has long been of interest to telecommunications market participants. Among them, especially network operators and regulators, as well as trade media and manufacturers of equipment for measuring and testing such as Rohde&Schwarz and partner company Systemics-PAB…

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Jak oceniać jakość sieci komórkowych?

Ocena jakości usług oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych oraz ich wydajności od dawna jest przedmiotem zainteresowania uczestników rynku telekomunikacyjnego. Wśród nich szczególnie operatorzy sieci i organy regulacyjne, jak również media branżowe i producenci rozwiązań do pomiarów i badania jakości usług…

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I Quarter 2021
IV Quarter 2020

2020 Measurements of Mobile Services Quality on the Outskirts of Warsaw Poland

In October 2020 Systemics-PAB examined access to mobile services in areas outside the centre of Warsaw in Poland. The capital city is the largest business centre in the country, and many of the people who live on the outskirts of Warsaw or in neighbouring towns are now working remotely. Service quality tests were conducted in the five areas shown on the map.

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III Quarter 2020

Systemics-PAB the main sponsor at KSTiT/KKRRiT 2020 conference in Lodz

Systemics-PAB was the main sponsor and featured speaker at the XXXVI Joint National Conferences on Telecommunications “KSTiT and KKRRiT” held in Lodz, Poland on September 17-18. The company session was related to the latest results on 5G network measurements in Europe. The featured speaker was Jan Kondej, CTO.

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Systemics-PAB shares its expertise in 5G technology.

Systemics-PAB is excited for the new speaking opportunities during “5G World London” on September 1-3, 2020.
On September 1st, at 13:40, Michał Majewski, International Sales Director will presented „5G readiness assessment – what we have learned from testing the early deployment of 5G networks”.

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II Quarter 2020
I Quarter 2020

MWC Barcelona 2020

Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, February 24-27 is canceled by GSMA. However, we would like to encourage you to stay in touch and join us at next upcoming events related to 5G Systemics-PAB attends…

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IV Quarter 2019

The 2019 Mobile Network Test in Austria

In a test of Quality of Mobile Services conducted by Systemics-PAB in Austria, A1 achieved the highest score of 95.29 points out of 100, followed by Magenta (90.95 points) and Drei (82.69 points)…

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III Quarter 2019
II Quarter 2019
IV Quarter 2018

The 2018 Mobile Network Test in Australia

The country-wide benchmarking test of mobile operators in Australia ranks Telstra as the best network in the test.
Systemics Group has conducted an independent National benchmark survey of Australia’s…

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MWC Barcelona 2019

Save the date to go to Barcelona on February 25-28 and discuss with Systemics Group how to reach excellent network performance, high quality voice & data services to your subscribers and clients…

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Who offers the best roaming service?

Executive summary of independent tests of Polish mobile operators in the EU and beyond, conducted by Systemics-PAB between 13-31 of August 2018 that present the quality of voice calls and the performance of data transfers.

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III Quarter 2018

Systemics-PAB – sponsor of the KSTiT 2018

Bydgoszcz, September 12-14, 2018 -Systemics-PAB was one of the main sponsors of the National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (KSTiT) held 12-14 September in Bydgoszcz, Poland…

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II Quarter 2018
I Quarter 2018

Systemics Group at MWC 2018

Systemics Group has helped more than 80 customers in 40 countries to meet their network performance challenges. Prior to the upcoming MWC 2018 let us briefly introduce the latest and greatest from our portfolio we will be promoting during the event in Barcelona.

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Mobile Network Test in Romania

Systemics-PAB performed the extensive benchmarking test of mobile services in Romania. The quality of services in networks of RCS&RDS S.A. (Digi), Orange Romania S.A. (Orange), Telekom Romania Mobile Communications S.A.(Telekom) and Vodafone Romania S.A. (Vodafone) was measured.

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The 2017 Mobile Network Test in Serbia

Systemics-PAB conducted the first extensive National benchmark survey in Serbia of three mobile network operators Telekom Srbija, Telenor, and Vip mobile in October and November 2017. The measurements were ordered by the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL).

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IV Quarter 2017

The 2017 Mobile Network Test in Switzerland

In a test of Quality of Mobile Services conducted by the Systemics Group in Switzerland, Swisscom achieved the highest score of 86.81 points out of a possible total of 100, followed closely by Sunrise.

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III Quarter 2017

Systemics-PAB is part of the 5G strategy for Poland

Strategy 5G for Poland – Systemics-PAB has become Member of the Council for 5G Poland that aim is to undertake actions in creation and realization of the “5G Strategy for Poland”. Company membership is based on joining the Agreement between Ministry of Digital Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications and National Institute of Telecommunications.

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Systemics-PAB as the main sponsor of the KSTiT

Warsaw, September 15, 2017 -Systemics-PAB was the main sponsor of the National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (KSTiT) held from 13th to 15th September in Warsaw, Poland. The objectives of the conference was to present the conducted scientific as...

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Systemics-PAB is part of the 5G strategy for Poland

Systemics-PAB participates in the creation and realization of the “Strategy 5G for Poland” based on joining the Agreement between Ministry of Digital Affairs, Office of Electronic Communications and National Institute of Telecommunications.

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II Quarter 2017
I Quarter 2017
IV Quarter 2016
III Quarter 2016
II Quarter 2016
I Quarter 2016