Audience: representatives from different technical universities and related organisations from Poland
Honorary patronage: The Foundation for the Development of Radiocommunication and Multimedia Technologies

We meet at
Politechnika Warszawska, ul. Nowowiejska 15/19

1 December 2022, Thursday

11:00-11:10 – Welcome
11:10-11:45 – „Athonet private networks in action.  5G/6G trends in European research projects”, by Mr. D. Munaretto
11:45-11:50 – Systemics-PAB summary and Q&A
11:50-12:20 – „Athonet’s 5G Core for private networks solutions”, by Mr. F. Fadini
12:20-12:30 – Systemics-PAB summary and demo, L. Wojdalski
12:30-13:00 – Practical results from the first trial of the 5G private network set tested in Poland by the Military University of Technology and Gdańsk University of Technology”,by Mr. P. Skokowski
13:00-13:10 – Q&A
13:10-14:00 – lunch buffet, 121 networking
14:00-15:00 – „Valid 8 – Networks education package – emulation and security testing”,  by Mr. I.Carpenter
15:00-15:10 – Close

We encourage all participants of this Systemics-PAB conference, particularly scientists and practitioners dealing with the subject of QoS/QoE evaluation in wired and wireless networks and systems to submit papers to a special issue in the Applied Sciences journal (100 MEiN points, IF=2.8). Acceptance of papers for publication will be on preferential terms.