Systemics-PAB conducted the first extensive National benchmark survey in Serbia of three mobile network operators Telekom Srbija, Telenor, and Vip mobile in October and November 2017. The measurements were ordered by the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL).
The measurements results are available on the dedicated interactive portal created especially for the purpose of the project. It is publicly available using the link The portal is a unique initiative and allows to navigate through the results with reach filtering features. There is also the interpretation of results available for readers.
Benchmarking measurements covered 35 cities and 10,000 km of Serbian roads. During the campaign, over 6,000 voice calls and 100,000 data sessions were performed for each mobile network operator across all technologies (2G, 3G, 4G).
The report, available for download as PDF, provides more details on the results.