Systemics-PAB has conducted an independent survey of 5G performance in two largest cities of Australia. Comprehensive test of 5G in Sydney and Melbourne was carried out at the end of October and beginning of November 2021. In both locations the drivetest was carried out after the Covid-19 lockdown had been lifted.

In our test Systemics-PAB found excellent performance from both Optus and Telstra. While 5G of Telstra has the widest geographical reach in two largest cities of Australia, it is Optus that is number one in most 5G performance metrics. Compared to a similar test Systemics-PAB carried out in 2020, both Telstra and Optus improved their 5G performance. 5G of Vodafone has a smaller coverage compared to two other operators, but its 5G network has grown considerably in recent 12 months.

Commenting on the results in Sydney and Melbourne Systemics-PAB CTO, Jan Kondej said: “Testing 5G networks in Australia is a real pleasure as we can feel true 5G experience in the field. The work done by operators in Australia on improving performance of 5G is really impressive. There are two leaders in this journey Optus offering top level 5G performance and Telstra offering widest 5G coverage. 5G performance that we saw in Optus network tops all our previous projects in the world. We achieved close to 1,5Gbps as a maximum download speed, average download speed close to 500 Mbps and average latency of 13ms. This was possible due to unique 5G carrier aggregation in Optus network. Congratulations for truly outstanding results.”

The report, available for download as PDF, provides more details on the recent results in Australia.
pdf-ico  Australia 5G in Sydney and Melbourne 2021-1.pdf (1.3 MB)

About Systemics-PAB
Systemics-PAB is a leading provider of independent Quality of Experience benchmarking services for mobile operators and regulators. Our mission is to assist customers to understand and address the variety of issues affecting the quality in mobile and fixed telecommunication networks.
We have conducted various benchmarking campaigns of mobile networks in more than 50 countries to maintain the high-quality services as they have transitioned towards 2G/3G/4G/VoLTE and now 5G.
Systemics-PAB is a member of the ETSI working group developing guidance for the quality of services testing in mobile networks and is a member of the 5G PERFECTA project.