The periodical drive tests of mobile networks play a vital role in maintaining the highest standards of the telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network. It allows to assess the situation on the market and is one of the tools for stimulating competitiveness.

As a part of the DSBO project, Systemics-PAB delivered an extensive benchmarking campaign to measure the quality of mobile telecommunication services offered by mobile network operators in Slovakia across the country. The benchmarking measurements took place in July of 2020 and covered representative areas of Slovakia including 23 cities and Slovakian roads.  The total distance covered by each of the 2 drive test cars used was ~3300 km. Measurements took close to 90 hours delivering ~2600 voice service tests and ~1500 for each of the data services tests.

All operators in Slovakia were tested: Orange Slovensko a.s. (Orange), SWAN a.s. (SWAN), Slovak Telekom a.s. (Telekom) and O2 Slovakia s.r.o. (O2). The measurements were carried out using the SwissQual Smart Benchmarker system equipped with Samsung Galaxy S10 terminals for voice test and Samsung Galaxy S9 terminals for data tests.  For the coverage assessment, Rohde and Schwarz radio scanners were used. Voice tests were done in mobile to mobile mode. The assessment of the quality of services was done using international standards and Systemics-PAB expert knowledge. The scoring methodology approach according to ETSI Technical Report  TR103559 Annex B was used.

The results of the measurements showed Orange as operator achieving the highest overall results for the quality of experience of mobile services in Slovakia. Orange Slovensko a.s. has been therefore certified as the operator with the highest overall quality of mobile services in the test.

The report, available for download as PDF, provides more details on the recent results in Slovakia.
pdf-ico  DSBO Slovakia 2020 – Countrywide Benchmark Certificate extended version (1,97 MB)