5G Africa and AfricaCom Cape Town was held on 13-15 November 2018.
The event was focused on mapping Africa’s journey towards 5G – pushing the boundaries of mobile connectivity and 5G strategy for the continent.
Systemics Group had the privilege to be the Bronze Sponsor of 5G Africa and hosted one of the keynote presentations and panel discussions on E2E next generation monitoring.
Michał Oporowski, VP Sales Monitoring Division, was presenting “Monitoring, integrated analytics and migration for next generation networks”, covering:

  • Operator Challenges
  • Best Monitoring Options
  • Future Monitoring Trends
  • And our brand-new E2E Next-Generation Passive Monitoring System with 5G Support – “NexusDISCOVERY”.

NexusDISCOVERY is next generation monitoring system that has been designed from the ground up to meet the challenges of the new operational environment of 5G and to benefit both OSS and BSS now and into the future. As a next generation monitoring system with 5G support, it provides an end-to-end view of mobile services over physical and virtual resources. It can be used for troubleshooting and service monitoring, operations and alarming, customer experience analysis and reporting. Support for NFV, virtual probes and telco-cloud allows seamless and automatic scaling and cost optimization to cope with data traffic and IoT device increase. External applications can connect directly to the state-of-the art big data cluster for predictive analytics based on machine learning.

About us:
We enable operators, regulators and vendors to reach excellent network performance, delivering high quality voice & data services to their subscribers and clients. Our active and passive network monitoring and analytical solutions, blended with benchmarking, auditing and optimization recommendations, enable our customers to turn network performance into their competitive advantage. Large-scale operations and a comprehensive cloud-based data post-processing culture allows us to perform secured projects in multiple countries worldwide simultaneously.
Our key customers include Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, SwissCom, Telstra, MTS, Veon, Huawei and Nokia.

Projekt udziału w targach i konferencji 5G Africa/AricaCom 2018 został zrealizowany w ramach projektu unijnego realizowanego przez Systemics-PAB Sp. z o.o.