Network and Service Monitoring

Network and Service Monitoring

Network and Service Monitoring provides an intelligent view of your network via customizable dashboards and ad hoc reports, rendering service delivery and resource performance in your network fully transparent. Delivering accurate data is not only…

CORE Monitoring

CORE Monitoring

CORE Monitoring nScan is the unique real time network monitoring system for end-to-end view of service performance offered in the mobile network. For operation and maintenance department nScan offers network-wide call tracing with drill-down message decoding down to...
VoIP Quality Management

VoIP Quality Management

For network operators it is more and more important to know service performance and voice quality of their own VoIP services, as well as interconnects to other network operators. NexusNETVIEW VoIP quality monitoring provides evidence of how your customers…

VoLTE Service Investigation

VoLTE Service Investigation

Voice is a basic service and subscribers expect nothing less than constant availability and high quality. Unfortunately, due to technical complexity of IMS-based systems, ensuring high quality of VoLTE service is a real challenge for the…

RAN Real-time Monitoring

RAN Real-time Monitoring

nScan is the unique real time network RAN monitoring system for mobile operators. For planning and radio departments, nScan offers detailed analysis of radio-related problems, including uniquely 2G & 3G RAN access…