by Krzysztof | Sep 2, 2022 | IIIQ 2022, News
Systemics-PAB has been an annual exhibitor at the 5G World this year to be held in Amsterdam as a part of Network X! . We look forward to seeing you at our booth # G20…
by Krzysztof | Aug 31, 2022 | IIIQ 2022, News
Systemics-PAB przekazał system pomiarowy do Badania Jakości Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych ( skaner, telefony i komputer z oprogramowaniem), który zastąpi wyposażenie przekazane kilka lat temu do laboratoriów Instytutu Radioelektroniki i Technik Multimedialnych Politechniki Warszawskiej…
by Krzysztof | Aug 12, 2022 | IIIQ 2022, News
Systemics-PAB started Orange DSBO 2022 network measurements and assessment. These drive tests of mobile networks provide to Systemic’s customers tools for maintaining the highest standards of telecommunication services quality and customer experience when using the network…
by Krzysztof | Aug 3, 2022 | IIIQ 2022, News
Systemics-PAB is the main sponsor and speaker at the National Conferences on Telecommunications “KSTiT and KKRRiT” , currently named MULTIKONFERENCJA that is going to be held at the facility of the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland on September 7-9, 2022…