Systemics-PAB showed live its latest 5G testing
and analysis services at Mobile World Congress
in Barcelona from June 28th to July 1st

5G has introduced new layers of complexity in mobile networks. To get the most out of 5G networks, they need to be properly configured, tested and optimised for the best possible data performance. Systemics-PAB responds to these challenges by offering its quality of service testing and analysis solutions specifically for 5G networks…

How to evaluate the quality of mobile networks

Assessing the quality of services offered in mobile networks and their performance has long been of interest to telecommunications market participants. Among them, especially network operators and regulators, as well as trade media and manufacturers of equipment for measuring and testing such as Rohde&Schwarz and partner company Systemics-PAB…

Jak oceniać jakość sieci komórkowych?

Ocena jakości usług oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych oraz ich wydajności od dawna jest przedmiotem zainteresowania uczestników rynku telekomunikacyjnego. Wśród nich szczególnie operatorzy sieci i organy regulacyjne, jak również media branżowe i producenci rozwiązań do pomiarów i badania jakości usług…